London Apple retail store delivery iPhone / iPad Olympic badge

With the 2012 London Olympics forthcoming opening tomorrow, the plan of the London Apple retail stores will provide customers with a special gift - London Olympics Memorial badge.

Apple's build badge, a total of four were black or white iPhone and iPad, the middle of the pattern of the British flag.

The commemoration of the badge will be delivery to the packaging as shown above, the most middle of the Apple build the commemorative badge. We have not yet received definite news Apple will be how to allocate these badges, It is reported that some retail stores will probably be free delivery.

At the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games, Apple has held similar events. However, when a retail store delivery is the iPod nano-style badges, badge designs for the Maple Leaf. Vancouver Apple retail stores opened at the Winter Games during delivery is printed on the badge of the Maple Leaf and the Apple logo.
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