Bid from the start date, the British Government has always held 'in the history of the most environmentally friendly' Olympic Games as a target, but the reality allows the British Government and the International Olympic Committee embarrassment of being caught, but more embarrassing is intended for environmental protection funding has been cut. "
Britain's recent trouble-ridden, while making frequent extreme weather, agricultural and economic losses, on the other side, with the London 2012 Olympic Games approaching, the British Government for the preparation headache.
According to the British "Guardian" reported on April 25, the United Kingdom may be because of serious and persistent air pollution by the International Olympic Committee's penalty, fines of up to £ 175 million will. Bid from the start date, the British Government has always held "in the history of the most environmentally friendly," the Olympic Games as a target, but the reality allows the British government and the International Olympic Committee embarrassment of being caught, but more embarrassing is intended for environmental protection funding has been cut.
Mayor of London and the 2005 host of the International Olympic Committee signed an agreement, if the air quality during the Olympic Games in London less than EU standards, the International Olympic Committee will be entitled to recover the £ 700 million is expected to broadcast 25% of income . In addition, air quality, the EU and London has a temporary treaty: if the second half of this year, London's air suspended particles reach the EU target is still the standard, the Commission may face a fine of 300 million pounds.
[Odd and even number lines or to take measures] in order to achieve the requirements of the International Olympic Committee, the City of London in the last month must be reduced by 30% or more of the traffic, many people expected, it is likely to take odd and even prompted the City of London number lines and other harsh measures.