November 18, London, BOCOGBMW
In addition, BMW also became the 2012 London Olympic Games partnership for sustainable development, will fully support the London Olympics to achieve "low carbon", "HealthLife "commitments.
BMW AG responsible for sales and marketing director Ian Robertson (Ian Robertson), said: "Sustainable development is the BMW Group's guiding principles. We have been for five consecutive years the Dow Jones Sustainability Index ranked the world's most sustainable the development of automobile manufacturers. Therefore, we with the 2012 London Olympics' low carbon 'and'HealthLife 'happens to coincide with the commitment. "
"This partnership is for us a very important opportunity. The next three years and beyond, we are committed to producing the world's most energy-efficient high-end cars, and enhance the future development of personal transportation solution. This became the Olympic Games partners, will also inspire our customers, employees, distributors and suppliers. "
London Olympic Organizing Committee for the 2010 Olympic Games, service vehicles in the carbon dioxide emissions and to meet European Union emission standards put forward a very strict requirements. BMW will not only provide vehicles to meet the EU 6 emission standards, will satisfy the London Olympic Organizing Committee to set carbon dioxide emission of 100 kilometers an average of less than 120 grams of the standard. Based on BMW EfficientDynamics (Efficient Dynamics) strategy, at present, BMW technology in reducing emissions is an industry leader.